Expedition Asphodel

Hard Facts


October 10th - 13th 2024

Please do not arrive before 3 pm on Wednesday. Players are expected to be at the location at 2 pm latest on Thursday. This is to ensure that everyone can take part in the workshops. If you absolutely can’t arrive before 2 pm, please get in touch with us.

The game will start Friday morning and end Saturday night. After that there will be an after party. If people want to stay around a little to help clean up on Sunday morning, that would be highly appreciated but is, of course, not mandatory. We will most likely have to be out of the house by 10 am but we can hang out outside a little longer.


Ochsenweg 27 25923 Süderlügum Germany
Google Maps

Ticket Price

180€ - 250€*

The ticket includes food and accommodation from dinner Thursday the 10th of October until breakfast of Sunday the 13th. There is also the option of early arrival on the 9th at no extra cost but you will have to take care of your own food before the game.

*Subsidized tickets are offered at a range. The exact price will depend on the amount of people purchasing these and sponsor tickets.


The game will be played in English. A lot of us aren’t native speakers, therefor we will not judge offgame accents and assume you have the proper manner of speaking, fitting your characters nativity.


Questions? Concerns? Praise? Write us an email!


The time to prepare for your next expedition is when you have just returned from a successful trip.

Robert Peary


Haidburg, Süderlügum, Northern Germany

Ochsenweg 27 25923 Süderlügum Germany

Expedition Asphodel takes place in the Haidburg in Süderlügum close to the German-Danish border. It’s a passion project of very nice people who care for the upkeep, renovations and booking all by themselves. Usually it is a place used for youth groups and class trips. Despite the name it is not a castle but a very nice house surrounded by

17.000 sq metres of forest

It’s all private property and we will have it all for ourselves for the duration of the game. (Except for the occasional dog walker.)

The house

The main building is where most of the game will take place. It has two dining rooms, one of them with a giant fireplace. Upstairs are the player dormitories (15, 16 and 8 beds respectively). While there are beds and mattresses, you need to bring your own duvets/sleeping bags, pillows and sheets. There may be options to sleep in-character but if preferred, the room can definitely stay off-game.

Alternatively, players can bring their own tents and sleep in areas around the house. These tents will be off-game. They do no have to be time appropriate as we will try to hide them but it could be cool!

Of course, there are also showers and toilets that can be accessed through doors at the side of the house. To not have to go outside at night, there is one toilet inside the house as well.

Offgame Area

In the other part of the building - they are attached and look like the same building but have two separate entrances - is the off-game area. Here the NPCs and the team will sleep. It is also where you can find the off-game room. This is where you can step out of the game, talk to our Emotional Safety person, get some hot chocolate or snacks. At least one person will always be there to help you, with whatever it is you may need.

The off-game area is also where the hygiene and medication box can be found. We will make sure to have all the necessities including but not limited to tampons and pads, condoms, pain killers, allergy meds, bug spray, spare toothbrushes and earplugs.

Outside and around the house you can find:

The garden! This is a nice place to hang around in the sun but still stay close to the house.

The terrace! Depending on weather, we might have some meal times out here. It also has a barbecue that might come in handy. Otherwise, there is a seated area to just hang out and play in.

The forest! It is big and scary and beautiful. Watch your step or you might fall into a swamp and be forever lost. No, seriously, there are swampy parts. Watch your step and don’t stray from the paths in the dark.

The big tent! We will set up a big tent to have some more covered space with less echo than the rooms inside. This will be used for all sorts of things.

The shed! In the garden you can find the shed. This will most likely be our blackbox and we will stuff it with special effects.

If you want to have a look at it yourself, check out their website at


Travel Guide

Having so much space all to ourselves means being in the middle of nowhere. But do not fret, getting there is anything but impossible. Here is how to do it:


If you have a car and you live in Denmark, Germany or anywhere remotely close by, then driving is definitely an option.

There will be spaces to park for a good couple of cars.

If you plan on driving, ask around if anyone would like to join. Road trips are more fun with friends. Putting the address in your SatNav should take you right to the location. The last turn into the forest is a little hidden though, so keep your eyes peeled and check the map in advance.

Ochsenweg 27, 25923 Süderlügum, Germany

Flying and Public Transport

The nearest airport is Hamburg. From there there are multiple different train and bus connections to choose from. It takes about 2 ½ hours to get to Süderlügum. You can use http://nah.sh to find the best route for you.

From the station it is a roughly 30 minute walk. We will try to facilitate pick-ups at the Süderlügum station for everyone. This has worked pretty well in the past.

Public Transport without Flying

If you are using Flixbus or are coming from a different direction, we suggest aiming for one of the cities nearby (Niebüll, Flensburg, Kiel) and using http://nah.sh to look up the best train connection for you.

We will have a discord channel for car pooling and public transport coordination.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

John A. Shedd

Payment & Refund Policies

Payment Deadlines & Installments

You can pay for your ticket in installments if you need to or all at once. Here are the payment deadlines:

May 1st

50€ Deposit or Full Payment

June 1st

100€ Installment

July 1st

100€ Installment

If you do not pay by these dates, we will have to remove you from the participant list and give your spot to someone else. Not to worry though, we will send out reminders shortly before the payment is due.

Cancellations & Refunds

Hopefully no one will have to drop out but we know that things happen you cannot plan for, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you, without putting the event at risk.

Until August 1st you can request a full refund minus a 20€ cancellation fee.

The earlier you tell us, the better though. After that date we cannot issue any refunds unfortunately. Unless there is players on the waiting list. Then we will sell the ticket onwards.

As we get closer to the event, we reserve the right to fill the spot for cheaper or even free. Since this larp has pre-written and interwoven characters it is important to have a full cast for the game to be its best.

Nobody climbs mountains for scientific reasons. Science is used to raise money for the expeditions, but you really climb for the hell of it.

Sir Edmund Hillary

Code of Conduct

We as organizers of this game will represent and enforce a certain set of rules in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

We ask you to read it carefully before signing up for the larp.

As organizers, we retain the right to refuse service to anyone without the necessity to give a reason. We are a non-profit team that is doing this in our free time - and as such, we will refuse participation if we deem it necessary for the safety of our participants and the event. Our refusal, in such a case, will be communicated before any payment.

We retain the right to send out a list of all planned participants via email to each participant displaying everyone’s full name. This is to ensure player safety.

We retain the right to remove participants from our event at any time without a refund of their ticket should the respective participant do any of the following:

Compromise the emotional or physical safety of other participants at the event, themselves, or the location of the event.
Act against our policies.
Refuse to follow crew instructions.
Break local law.

All participants must be 18 years or older.


By signing up for our event, all participants agree that their picture may be taken by the event’s photographers. These pictures may be used by the photographers and the event organizers, both privately and for marketing purposes.

If you do not want your picture published, please let us know and we will make sure to respect your wishes.

Inclusivity & Discrimination

At our events, we do not tolerate any form of out-of-game discrimination, be it due to sexuality, appearance, heritage, gender, ability, or anything of the like. We take a firm stand against related behavior. Any reports in that direction will be taken seriously and followed up on.

At our event, you will meet people of different cultures, experiences and brain wirings - this might lead to conflicts or misunderstandings. Please remember that as a rule, the others are not ill-meaning. We like our participants to always assume the best intention behind someone’s actions. Communicate openly, rather than assuming the worst. Be kind and generous with each other and find someone to mediate if necessary.

We enforce a strict policy of enthusiastic consent, especially, but not only, for physically intimate interactions. When interacting with the people around you, we ask that you make sure they actively want to be involved in whatever you’re doing, rather than trying to persuade them into joining. A no will always be a no and never a maybe. Respect people’s boundaries and preferences and do not question them.

Speaking of boundaries, we like to stress that not only others’ boundaries are to be heard and respected - but also your own. Make sure you are comfortable with what is happening and take responsibility for making that happen. Know yourself enough and be critical with your limits to know whether this event or a particular scene is for you or not. It is always ok to draw a line and leave and we ask that you do so if necessary.

Everyone involved in our event is a human being with limits, feelings and needs. This includes organizers and crew as well as participants - we’d like everyone to bear in mind that organizing and running a larp is a project that requires a lot of labor and personal involvement and even we might at times hit our limits with that. We ask you to respect it when we communicate that and treat us with the same care that you would treat another participant with.


You will not be permitted to drink during play time or the workshops. If you have had alcohol, you are not allowed to be in the game and will be asked to stay in your room.

You may drink responsibly during the off-game evenings but we retain the right to tell you to go to your room and not return until you’re sober if we notice that you have had too much to drink and cannot behave responsibly anymore. Please don’t make us do this, be mindful of your own limits.

The venue does not sell alcohol, you have to bring it yourself. We will have some beer available but nothing beyond that, sadly. So if you want something other than beer, bring it! There are glasses at the venue for us to use.


You will be allowed to smoke in-game. It will be generally allowed in a designated smoking area, otherwise you are required to check with the people present first if you may smoke or not. We don’t want to force smokers to go off-game each time they want a smoke. It is okay not to step into the smoking area, of course.