Expedition Asphodel

Prewritten Characters

For this game, you will receive a pre-written character.

All characters will be part of an assigned group. This will determine your position and responsibility within the expedition, however, we aim to make the groups diverse and interesting internally.

Along with a short character description, you will also receive a few relations. You can expand on these in advance, but don’t worry if you don’t find time for it.

A big part of the workshops is dedicated to create backgrounds together and give you all you need to play.

The character we give you is a frameworks and a starting point. Once you receive your casting, the character becomes yours. Feel free to shape them to your vision. Keep in mind though, that changing big aspects of a character might effect others.

We would suggest calibrating such things together.

Playing an Officer

You are in charge

In your past you have proven yourself worthy and have earned the respect of the Crown or the Admiralty. Now you have a loyal crew behind you, who respects you and will follow your every beck and call.

You are the one who calls the shots.

However, at the same time, you have all eyes resting on you. It is your responsibility to keep your men and the civilians alive. You must guarantee the success of the mission. Every decision that you make could be fatal but you can never show doubt.

You cannot hesitate.

As an Officer you have the most influence over the course of the expedition. In turn, you are responsible for creating and delegating game to other players. If someone in your crew breaks the rules, make sure there are consequences. At the same time, do not block others from engaging with information or events. Leave letters lying around, whisper a little too loud, leave the door open just a bit.

If all hope is lost, make sure they can see the despair as you tell them all is well.

Playing an Explorer

You are an expert in your field

and one of the most educated people on this expedition.

You have been brought along for your expertise, either to study these new lands or to record the course and the findings of the journey. It is these discoveries that will truly bring the glory.

On the ship you were no more than a passenger, but we are on land now…

…and there is a whole island to explore. You might even lead smaller expeditions, but the officers are in charge. They are the ones who are making the decisions about how and where the expedition goes.

Play up conflicts of decisions, play up expertise, but ultimately know who is calling the shots. Undermining the officers is a dangerous route and may lead to disaster but what to do if they won’t listen to you? Surely, you know best. It is okay if you as a player are not on expert like your character is.

It is totally okay to make up things about the local fauna and flora.

Playing a Settler

You have decided to leave your home

and possibly your family behind to begin a new life in a new world.

Things were tough in your previous life, and there is no guarantee that you will survive the journey to your new home, but the hope of starting from scratch, of being lucky enough to raise your circumstances, is enough to draw in many.

As a Settler you might not care much for the other goals of the expedition.

You are here to build a home for yourself and your family.

It is all about community for you and looking forward to this new life. You exist outside the strict hierarchies of the navy. You have no say in the decisions made by those above you in the hierarchy,

but they have a duty to keep you safe.

Playing the Crew

Life is rough on the sea

but you are well acquainted with hard work.

You have never known anything else. Even on land you are a cog of a well-working machine. A journey like this, while dangerous and potentially fatal, is far better than slaving away in the new factories. Out here, you are free and you get paid in rum rations, naval pay and camaraderie. From Royal Marine to Ship’s Boy, you gotta work together.

It is your shoulders that the success of the mission rests on.

You are at the bottom of the hierarchy. All you can do is trust your superiors and follow orders. Surely, they know what they are doing. Some whisper about the injustices for the working class, some take pride in their labour.

Where is your place in all this?